Professional Licensing in Illinois & Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulations
The Illinois Department of Financial and Profesional Regulations (IDFPR) regulates and disciplines many professions. Chicago IDFPR attorneys at Michael V. Favia & Associates have combined decades of experience helping licensed professionals with informal discipline conferences, at formal hearings, and with the appeals process when necessary. Michael V. Favia is a former Chief of Prosecution for Department when it was named the Illinois Department of Professional Regulation.
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Professional Licensing in Illinois & The Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation
We defend healthcare professionals in IDFPR actions when a nurse, doctor, chiropractor, and other licensed healthcare providers with their applications for professional licenses at the IDFPR. Your professional license without restrictions is the key to your professional livelihood. Whether you are a first-time applicant, an applicant from out-of-state, or receive a complaint and face possible discipline, our Chicago IDFPR attorneys are former Department employees and know how to best represent you and defend your professional license.
Applications to the IDFPR for Illinois Professional License
The IDFPR Divisions of Banking, Financial Institutions, Professional Regulation, and Real Estate, each have their own applications, processes, and forms. The Division of Professional Regulation applications are organized under the categories of Healthcare Professions and General Professions.
For each profession, the applicant must complete the application with sufficient detail and responses to all application questions. The applications are online, found on the IDFPR website. At the Law Firm of Michael V. Favia & Associates, we recommend new applicants and those applying who currently hold out-of-state licenses, consult with our professional licensing attorneys with any questions about the application process.
Irregularities can lead to a delay in license processing, deficiency letters and notices of intent to deny the issuance of a license. For the busy healthcare professional, especially those working interim and traveling positions, a license application problem causes significant impairment.
Applicants with past discipline or issues that could affect applications for a license in Illinois or in another state should contact Michael V. Favia & Associates for assistance before submitting their application for licensure.
IDFPR Complaints and Investigations
The mission of the IDFPR Division of Professional Regulation is to safeguard the public by assuring the proper evaluation or and quality of professional licensees. To satisfy this duty, the Department responds to requests for investigations of physicians, nurses, dentists, and other healthcare professionals.
The Division of Professional Regulation oversees licensed physicians, surgeons, osteopaths, chiropractors and others subject to the Illinois Medical Practice Act. The Act identifies a variety of violations which can lead to discipline and charges.
Examples of sources of IDFPR complaints:
- Complaints made by individuals;
- Medicaid audits;
- DEA information;
- Malpractice settlements;
- DUI and other criminal charges.
When a complaint is made to the Department there may be an investigation interview, a request for records or a statement. The case could be closed informally or forwarded to the Department Enforcement Division.
Illinois Professional License Disciplinary Action by IDFPR
If a complaint is forwarded to Enforcement for prosecution, the IDFPR administrative hearing process begins. The case is assigned to an IDFPR attorney who can hold an informal discipline conference or begin with a formal complaint, followed by a conference.
You should be represented by an experienced professional licensing attorney at any conference or hearing with the Enforcement Division. Michael V. Favia and his associate and of counsel professional licensing attorneys have personal knowledge of how the IDFPR Enforcement Division works. Favia, a former Chief of Prosecutions for the Division, knows how to best represent licensees in all types of IDFPR disciplinary actions.
Possible outcomes of an IDFPR disciplinary conference:
- Case closed with no action;
- Administrative Warning Letter (AWL);
- Reprimand;
- Probation;
- Suspension;
- Revocation;
- Non-Disciplinary Order (NDO);
- Fine only (still considered reportable discipline).
IDFPR Probation and Compliance for Illinois Professional License
Probation is a disciplinary action that can last for a limited or indefinite period, pending compliance with the terms of probation. To keep a professional license in good standing with the IDFPR, allowing the licensee to continue working in their licensed profession, it is vital to comply with the terms of probation.
Avoid making mistakes and not understanding the expectations of the Department overseeing licensees on temporary or indefinite probation. A simple mistake can lead to a violation of a condition of probation and further problems. For example, a physician in Illinois, also licensed in Indiana, can cause disciplinary problems in Indiana if they violate their license probation and compliance requirements in Illinois.
Michael V. Favia has worked with countless healthcare and other professional licensees with probation and compliance questions and concerns. Especially when practicing with licenses in multiple states, it is important to avoid potentially cascading discipline problems by doing everything right, the first time.
Administrative Review of IDFPR Final Decisions on Disciplinary Actions
There is an appeals process in the courts where final decisions by the IDFPR can be reviewed. An administrative review must be filed within thirty-five (35) days of a final decision date. A complaint for administrative review is also used to stay the enforcement of an adverse outcome of disciplinary action, affecting the ability for a professional to practice.
Administrative reviews are very specific procedures that should be filed and litigated in court by an experienced Chicago IDFPR attorney. At Michael V. Favia & Associates we have worked with many licensed professionals who sought administrative review of adverse decisions by the IDFPR. We know your career is at stake and we take these appeals very seriously.

Contact Chicago IDFPR Attorney Michael V. Favia for Experienced Representation with the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation. (773) 631-4580.