Weight Loss Success: A Multidisciplinary Approach with Frederic Wolner at Three Point Healthcare
Frederic Wolner is the CEO of Three Point Healthcare and in this podcast, he explains how weight loss and overall health are a product of multidisciplinary treatment. Learn how the use of physical therapy, behavioral medicine, and nutritional professionals create winning programs for patients. Especially during the past year and longer, pandemic-related issues affected overall health in many people.
In this episode of the Healthcare Consultants Podcast, Frederic Wollner shows us why so many diets and weight loss programs fail, and how the Three Point system is a stronger approach that helps patients receive lasting results. Treating symptoms of a disease is best when done using natural approaches and holistic treatment. Increasing strength, energy, and mobility without drugs and pain is a realistic goal with Three Point Healthcare long-term care plans.

This program is hosted by the Chicago Health Law Firm of Michael V. Favia & Associates, P.C.
When we get our weight in check, we can see improvements in other areas of well-being. Not only do we save on healthcare costs, but we also reduce our risk of diseases and their symptoms. Lose weight with us.
Weight Loss and Multidisciplinary Treatment at Three Point Healthcare:
- Introducing Frederic Wolner, CEO, Three Point Healthcare
- Weight Loss Success Improves Everything in Daily Life and Health
- 3PT Service Model: Physical Therapy, Behavioral Medicine, and Nutrition
- Learning How Mental Health, Food, and Physical Therapy Work Together
Contact Frederic Wolner at (708) 938-3378 or www.3PThealthcare.com
This podcast and others like it are available on our YouTube Channel and our BlogTalkRadio Channel. Don’t forget to subscribe to our YouTube page!
This program is brought to you by the Chicago Health Law and Professional Licensing firm of Michael V. Favia & Associates, with offices in Chicago and Rolling Meadows. For introductions and referrals to healthcare professionals in the Chicagoland area, call Michael V. Favia & Associates, P.C. at (312) 609-6666. Podcast production and marketing by Lone Star Content Marketing (940) 498-2863.