Student loan default can cost your professional or occupational license to practice your profession. Under Illinois law, the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR) may refuse to issue or renew your license. Who could be affected by the student loan default and licensing law? In addition to healthcare professionals such as physicians, nurses, […]
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IDFPR: Healthcare licensing podcast with Michael V. Favia
Today’s podcast interview with healthcare law and licensing attorney Michael V. Favia, focuses on the key purpose and functions of the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation. Doctors, nurses, dentists and similar healthcare professionals should know what to do when communicating with the IDFPR in the event of complaints and disciplinary matters. Illinois […]
Read more...Common injuries and lawsuits seeking compensation for damages
When we are injured at the fault of another we have a right to seek compensation for our damages. Common injuries can include trips and falls at places of business, medical error and malpractice, and injuries from car accidents and public transportation mishaps. When people are injured and contact Michael V. Favia & Associates, we […]
Read more...Financial services industry and IDFPR issue prevention and regulation – Podcast
Today’s interview with Illinois licensing and regulation attorney, Jordan Matyas, focuses on the financial services industry and regulation by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR) and its Division of Financial Institutions. In addition to working with financial businesses in defending and responding to regulatory inquiries and discipline, Mr. Matyas also works with […]
Read more...ISBA lawsuit seeks injunction of IDFPR discipline of two attorneys for unauthorized real estate appraisal practice
Two Illinois attorneys face potential prosecution by the Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR) but the Illinois State Bar Association (ISBA) filed a lawsuit seeking an injunction and declaration that IDFPR lacks the authority to regulate certain practices. At issue in the ISBA complaint filed July 11, 2017 in the Circuit Court of […]
Read more...Relaxed restrictions: Health care licenses and criminal convictions
On January 1, 2017, new laws on the books in Illinois took effect. Among the new laws passed was a bill to protect applicants for professional licenses who may also have a record of a criminal offense and conviction. Prior to the new law, applicants for health care licenses[i] were barred from applying for a […]
Read more...Nursing home liability for mechanical failure and patient injury
Nursing home administrators and management work diligently to protect the health and safety of residents. Despite everyone’s best efforts and rendering the best care, accidents can happen, and can be the result of mechanical failure. One of the tasks performed by healthcare staff during routine care should be the inspection and maintenance of mechanisms used […]
Read more...Experience matters: Hiring the best healthcare licensing lawyer
How much did it cost you to become a licensed and practicing healthcare professional? While doing the math, in addition to the hard cost of tuition for many years of school, remember to include the opportunity cost of all else you may have done to earn money while you dedicated your life and career path […]
Read more...Advantages of being represented by an attorney in IDFPR proceedings
The Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation (IDFPR) is responsible for the regulation and oversight of professionals in Illinois. The IDFPR has a duty to the people of the State of Illinois to ensure that its licensed professionals meet the guidelines and standards of professional practice. In healthcare practice, like others, when an individual […]
Read more...What happens if I voluntarily surrender my medical or nursing license?
There are so many possible scenarios in which nurses and physicians may be subject to discipline by the state medical boards and licensing departments. What you decide to do in one state can impact what happens in another state if you hold multiple licenses. While some legal problems, such as convictions for fraud or injury […]