New Law on Professional Licensing and Immigration Status

Illegal Immigrants Can Keep Professional Licenses Despite Deportation with New Law

In a significant development, Illinois has passed a new law that allows undocumented immigrants to retain their professional licenses even if they face deportation. This groundbreaking legislation, House Bill 5457, was signed into law by Gov. J.B. Pritzker and has sparked many reactions. As we delve into the intricacies of this law, we’ll explore its provisions, impact, and the role of lawyers like Michael V. Favia & Associates, P.C., in navigating these new legal waters.

Understanding Professional Conduct Complaints

Most Common Complaint Against Illinois Physicians: Understanding Professional Conduct Complaints

Unprofessional conduct is the most common complaint against Illinois physicians, and the IDFPR plays a vital role in regulating and disciplining healthcare practitioners. For physicians, understanding what constitutes unprofessional conduct and the processes involved in handling such complaints is crucial. At Michael V. Favia & Associates, P.C., our team is dedicated to assisting healthcare professionals in navigating these challenges and maintaining the highest standards of professional conduct. 

Navigating Patient Consent: Patient Rights Explained by Chicago Lawyer Michael V. Favia

Navigating Patient Consent: Patient Rights Explained by Chicago Lawyer Michael V. Favia

In healthcare, patient consent is a cornerstone of ethical practice. It represents patients’ fundamental right to make informed decisions about their medical care. However, what happens when this consent is breached, and patients face unforeseen consequences? This is where the expertise of a skilled plaintiff lawyer becomes paramount.

Minimizing Malpractice Risk for Optometrists: The Importance of Legal Services

Safeguard Your Healthcare Practice: The Crucial Role of Legal Services in Mitigating Malpractice Risk

In today’s dynamic healthcare landscape, practitioners face many challenges, including the ever-present threat of malpractice lawsuits. Like other healthcare professionals, optometrists must navigate complex legal terrain to protect their practices and reputations. In this blog post, we’ll delve into the importance of legal services in minimizing malpractice risk, providing actionable insights to empower optometrists in safeguarding their practices.

Healthcare Legal Services: Safeguarding Your Practice

Healthcare Legal Services: Safeguarding Your Practice

In the complex healthcare landscape, legal services are crucial in ensuring compliance, mitigating risks, and safeguarding the interests of healthcare providers and organizations. Legal professionals like Michael V. Favia & Associates, P.C., in Chicago, Illinois, are indispensable, from regulatory compliance to litigation defense. Explore why healthcare legal services are essential and how they can benefit your practice.

The Benefits of Choosing a General Practice Law Firm

The Benefits of Choosing a General Practice Law Firm

In Chicago, the Favia Law Firm is a highly reputable and versatile general practice law firm committed to providing comprehensive legal services, covering a broad spectrum of legal areas, including healthcare law and professional practice, personal injury, estate planning, real estate transactions, and business contracts. The Favia Law Firm is dedicated to personalized attention, ensuring that each client’s unique needs are understood and cared for.

Drive Safely This Easter: Tips for Travel

Drive Safely This Easter: Tips for Travel

It is important to always drive carefully and responsibly, regardless of the time of year or the occasion. However, during holidays such as Easter, there may be increased traffic on the roads, as well as more pedestrians and vehicles that may not be familiar with the area. As such, personal injury lawyer in Chicago, Michael V. Favia reminds people that it is especially important to exercise caution and follow all traffic laws to help prevent accidents.

The Health Practice Advisors Team Offer Highly Specialized Knowledge and Relationships

Healthcare Consulting in Chicago: The Health Practice Advisors Team

The Health Practice Advisors Team Offer Highly Specialized Knowledge and Relationships Health Practice Advisors is a group of experienced and well-respected healthcare professionals and providers growing and promoting their practices. The team of healthcare practitioners and closely related professionals in the Health Practice Advisors group are some of the best in the business of healthcare […]

Christopher Gandy, Midwest Legacy Group, healthcare financial services, asset management, asset preservation, insurance products, securities products, financial independence, trusts, probate, charitable giving, estate planning, tax planning, Healthcare Consultants Podcast, Michael V Favia, Favia Law Firm

Healthcare Financial Services with Christopher Gandy at Midwest Legacy Group

In the podcast, Gandy talks about how the rules of the game have changed since COVID and the stimulus payments stimulated inflation. He also noted that most people don’t know about the CARES Act 2.0 and other similar congressional spending bills that impact investments and opportunities.

Stop Medicare Cuts, Call Your Congressional Representative

Stop Medicare Cuts, Call Your Congressional Representative Today

Call to Action: Stop Medicare Cuts, Call Your Congressional Representative More than 1 million physicians, healthcare professionals, and organizations representing them are telling Congress to act and prevent the Medicare physician pay cuts that are scheduled to take effect on the first of January 2023. Specifically, the scheduled pay cuts need to be removed from […]